# multiple-camera-based tracking system - Master's thesis The developed ROS nodes are located in the 'src' folder which can be accessed from this link. [src directory](https://robotics.hochschule-rhein-waal.de/gitlab/jobvakayil/multi_cam_tracking_system_thesis/-/tree/main/workspace/virtuallab/src) ## Softwares/Libraries used: * ROS Melodic * Python 2.7.17 * OpenCV python 4.2.0 * tensorflow 1.14 ## Sensors implemented: * 4 Raspberry Pi Cameras * 1 Hukoyo laser scanner ## Packages: * images_process: ROS node for calibration and transformation of image inputs from camera * robot_classifier: ROS node for detection of robots and their orientations. * robot_mapping: ROS node for tracking of both position and orientaion. * laser_scan_convert: ROS node for converting LaserScan message type to pointcloud